Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I do not, for one second, underestimate your support.

Your support makes writing books possible for me, and I don’t take it for granted for a second.

I was told self-publishing was a lonely process, and I'm so grateful the people who said this were so wrong.

As a thank you, as a buyer of the book you will get a 10% discount if you choose to purchase any of my woodcut prints that are inside the book.

And I want to Express how grateful I am.



26 x 35.5 cms

Letting go


26 x 35.5 cms

Loving from Afar


26 x 35.5 cms

All Sorts of Love


26 x 35.5 cms

Losing Love


26 x 35.5 cms

Recognizing Yourself


26 x 35.5 cms

Right Love, Wrong Time

Full Series:


These have been hand-printed by me, and there's only 10 copies of each.

These are available to the general public, but the 10% discount is exclusive for readers.

Because of this, if you want to purchase one of them with the discount, you need to do it through talking to me directly. You can reach me through email at, through WhatsApp at +502 5818-9964, or through any of my social media.

Once again, thank you.

-Valeria Rosito